Our Mission
Continually promote the relevance, readiness, and modernization of the Minnesota National Guard by supporting state and national policies to advance the security of Minnesota and the United States; while improving the quality of life, status and professionalism for members (both active and Retired) of the Minnesota National Guard.
Join / Renew Today
Promotional Rate valid for first 400 registrants. After first 400 registrations, rate is $500 for NGAUS digital life membership, and $125 for State Life Membership. Contact Executive Director or Group Reps to take advantage of this deal! Reminder - your first year in the Guard, membership is free.

Become a Corporate Member
Dear Future Sponsor, The members of the National Guard Association of Minnesota are excited to invite you and your organization to become our "Partner in Patriotism" by becoming a Corporate Member of our organization. The National Guard Association of Minnesota (NGAMN) is proud to be a non-profit association that works for the betterment of National Guard Soldiers and Airmen with the community-based Minnesota National Guard.
Featured Events
NGAMN promotes events throughout the year that bring together members and other stakeholders to foster stronger relationships, to support professional development, and to establish priorities for the association. Reoccurring events are; State Conference held in the Spring, the National Conference held in the Fall, and our Holiday Social first Friday in December.