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Benefits of Joining the National Guard Association of Minnesota

Health Insurance

TRICARE health coverage is available for all members of the National Guard. This was a successful collaborative effort of all State National Guard Associations and the National Guard Association of the United States. Membership numbers are vital in convincing the Congress that this was the right thing to do for our Guard and their families.

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Life Insurance

Low-cost term life insurance is available to each member of NGAMN. There are no restrictive clauses in the policy. Further, the payment to beneficiaries is made within two to three days.

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NO COST Life Insurance

$10,000 Life Insurance is available to each enlistee of the Minnesota National Guard. This is a NO COST benefit which is offered for the first year of enlistment. The Guardsman may elect to purchase a normal term insurance policy following the end of the first year of enlistment.

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Tax free military pay for AGR, Traditional, and Retired Guardsmen

Minnesota has been generous in dismissing Minnesota income taxes on military pay. NGAMN works with the Michigan Legislatures to ensure this benefit continues. This amounts to a 3% to 7% annual saving to members based upon income and tax bracket. This benefit alone makes up for the cost of a NGAM membership. Click here to join the association.

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Meeting Schedule

Timing: Monthly starting at 6pm        
Location: MS Teams or In-Person (Location provided prior to meeting).        
White = Group Rep Attendance + April

2024 Meeting Dates

  • 24 January 2024
  • 28 February
  • 26 March
  • 19 APR (State Conference)
  • 28 May
  • 25 June
  • 23 July
  • August (National Conference)
  • 24 September
  • 22 October
  • 26 November
  • 24 December